2 posts from day 09/10/2013

Kentucky KHSAA atheletes no handshake post game

High School Athletes Won’t Shake Hands in Post-Game Anymore?

High School Athletes Won't Shake Hands in Post-Game Anymore? According to Fox News, "Kentucky's athletic sanctioning body has ordered high schools not to conduct postgame handshakes in all sports following more than two dozen physical confrontations the past three years."

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The Well Balanced (or At Least Occasionally Well Balanced) World Changer

This week some funny Twitter users have been passing around the hashtag #AddaWordRuinaChristianBook. They insert one new word into an existing book title to make it funnier. So of course one day I looked in my Facebook feed and saw this: I laughed. (There's some special irony there since I'm a human-beanpole.) But really, I could've changed the title myself. To say, The Unbalanced World Changer or The Re-Balanced World Changer or The Barely Balanced World-Changer. Because ...

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