An introduction from Sarah
This site is a stake in the ground for communityI have read that we are “the most connected generation to ever live.” And I get that. I recently got 11 very important notifications that people *liked* the photo I posted of my dog. So connection? Check.
Yet still, on any given day, I can smush into an elevator and stand there with 10 strangers–socially limp, eyes glazed over, staring into our phones. Our children, off at school, think we have 2,392 friends each because Instagram says so, yet we don’t even make eye contact with the person standing right next to us.
I don’t know about you, but a tiny voice inside me suggests that maybe we’ve gone off the rails a bit. Filling every moment with noise and screens, yet still sometimes feeling isolated and alone. I wonder if there is “more” to be had, if we’re missing out on the kind of deep, rich connections God intended humans to experience.
These observations led me to interview hundreds of people about their social experiences. And to start collecting “best practices”–habits that socially “healthy” people use to meaningfully connect with those around them.
My hope is this website will become a space to come and connect and explore these learnings. To take a deep breath, figure out what we’re missing, and remember what it’s like to live and be…together.
Some Basic Insights
- Humans are designed to live in connection.
- Social habits & practices can be learned.
- Relationships don’t happen or deepen on their own; we must be intentional.
- Everyone has unique social needs/preferences.
- Regular interaction leads to familiarity.
- Familiarity creates more opportunity.
- Consistency and goodwill turn opportunity into connection.
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Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters.
Sarah’s putting together a once-a-month email just to stay in touch. It’s called Banter.
You can read the latest update on Sarah’s life and projects below. Sign up here.