20 posts tagged in the news

Sandy Hook Warrant Goes Beyond Gun Responsibility

While a lot of the commentary in the media has of coursed focus on how our culture approaches guns, my mind always comes back to a different question about personal vs. corporate responsibility? Who is responsible for contributing to the emotional wholeness or social well-being of an individual in Adam's circumstances? Does it fall to the individual, despite his or her inabilities, or to the family, who cannot ultimately control the actions of others? Or does this, most of all, say something about society--about our failure to be neighbors, to accept and find a place for all people in our communities--even those on our margins?

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Breaking Ranks with Jesus

Breaking Ranks With Jesus As many of you know, for the last couple years, I've been on the hunt for better descriptors than generic words like "friendship" and "connectedness" which don't, for me, scratch the surface of the spiritual properties of bondedness. Unfortunately, often times, the gifted critic in me is better at identifying the opposite of the values I stand for. What bothers me the most? What deficits am I working against? What will I always, in almost every scenario, refuse ...

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chris brown arab costume, chris brown arab terrorist, chris brown costume

5 Reasons Chris Brown’s Arab Costume Was Over the Line

Chris Brown and friends dressed up in terrorist arab costumes for Halloween. Even in a country with freedom of expression that's a bad idea.

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hurricane sandy infograph, hurricane sandy infographic, hurricane infograph

Hurricane Sandy Infographic

Detailed infograph on early and estimated damages for Hurricane Sandy. Includes information to donate. Feel free to share infographic.

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Mob Responding to Cragislist Ad Rob Foreclosed Vercher Family

When a family facing foreclosure placed a Craigslist ad about giving away some items before they moved, they never imagined this. Steal.

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