18 posts tagged memoir

Book About 911, Part 3

While the tower lay in pieces, shreds of people’s lives lay exposed in Union Square as stunned family members frantically searched for news of their loved ones. …Talk about God was as common as talk about the weather. Questions like, “Why did this happen?” and “How will we go on?” became the standard replacement for the usual “How are you?” and “Nice day we’re having” greetings.

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Book About 911, Part 4

These snippets share a slice of my experience working on a disaster relief team at the site of the Trade Towers. I offer them to you as a way of reflecting on where we've been, what we've learned and who we've become as a result of that tragic, but important day.

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Book About 911, Part 2

The ground that would’ve normally been kept clear by city sanitation workers, if not for an occasional stray leaf or piece of litter, was dusted with a thin coating of shredded paper and glass particles, as if a local Office Max had been incinerated and its contents dumped on the scene like unwelcome confetti.

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Book About 911, Part 1

It wasn’t until the plane was identified as an airliner that my heart joined my head in the listening. And it wasn’t until a second plane crashed and the FAA grounded all planes that I began to realize how my generation’s concept of our world was crashing as well.

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Adventures in Spring Cleaning: The Cleaning Games We Play – Part 5

I have no idea how these items found refuge in my house once again. I wonder if at night when I sleep, my evil yellow-sided house sends out some sort of homing beacon that calls its displaced furnishings and accessories back home.

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