7 posts tagged what have you lost

What Have You Lost? No. 2

Do you ever feel like, in spite of smart phones and social networks out the wazoo, today's children are being raised with less "community" than you experienced growing up? Last week, I started a discussion on things we've lost along the way and invited readers to throw out observations about how the world has changed in their lifetimes. I'd love it if you'd add your observations. *   *   * What Have You Lost? The Ability to Be Present? Three strangers wait on a curb, scanning the ...

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What Have You Lost? No. 1

There was a day not that long ago, a day that you (or your parents or grandparents) could remember, when ice cream parlors were locally owned and operated. You saw the same faces--the owner, his wife, a brother or sister-in-law--behind the counter every time you visited for years. You could order your standard favorite, your chocolate malt or your double scoop of mint chocolate chip, from someone who knew your name. Slowly, of course, like in many industries, corporate manufactur...

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