2 posts from day 24/06/2011

The Emperor’s Summer Rule

Visitors to my house today might be wondering any number of things: 1. Why there is a baby-gate in front of the bathroom door. 2. Why a jagged piece of screen is laying in the driveway. 3. Why there are size 7 footprints on the roof. The explanation for all of it, starts with the scene below: I walk to the bathroom door and jiggle the handle. Locked. "Chuck?" I ask. "Hi Mom!!" A high pitched voice replies. There is a whirring noise, indicating that the toilet paper roll ...

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IMG by http://www.sxc.hu/profile/bodgie

My Voice is a Pavlovian Bell

"My instruction is a complete success. I'm an inspiring teacher...then I realize my voice is a Pavlovian bell for the shaggy kid in the back row to put his head down on his desk and for another kid to begin drawing endless concentric circles on his shoe." -Picking Dandelions (Note: You can read the rest of this excerpt on pg. 26 of the MEA Magazine. Are you wanting to start writing your own book? Here are some free resources to help you on your way)

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