2 posts from day 01/08/2011

Movie Lover’s Paradise: Story Conference

Movie Loving at Story Chicago The STORY conference has always been a place where creative people find their sweet spot. We've got nothing but love for performers, artists, writers, designers, authors...the entire creative tribe. But just a heads up: movie lovers are going to be especially at home at this year's event. For starters, on September 1st, STORY will launch a new website and venture that shoot straight to the movie lover's heart  (stay tuned!). We'll be formally present...

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Sarah Markley Talks Women

Over the past month or two, I've been dipping into the wisdom of some razor sharp women. Next in line is the insightful and reflective Sarah Markley, who blogs at the Best Days of My Life. While Sarah and I tweet to each other and have some beautiful mutual friends, I haven't yet indulged in her in person self. But she is one of those people on my "make a point to meet" list. And when you read her answers below, you'll see why. Sarah: Do you--in all your accomplishments--ever ...

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