4 posts from day 01/12/2011

Summer Wallpaper: Backgrounds, Pictures, and Photos

Summer Wallpaper When you live in Michigan, sometimes you need a good summer image to plaster on your computer screen to remind yourself that winter will end. Steal away... :) Find more links to summer wallpaper here.

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Summer Wallpaper: Backgrounds, Pictures, and Photos

Summer Wallpaper When you live in Michigan, sometimes you need a good summer image to plaster on your computer screen to remind yourself that winter will end. Steal away... :) Find more links to summer wallpaper here.

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World AIDS Day 2011, brotherhood, friendship, community

What Is World’s AIDS Day? It’s A Chance at Brotherhood.

My friend Jena Nardella sent me this letter, which she sent to friends and supporters, on a day that is very vital to her field of work: humans. I remember sitting in my medical microbiology class at Whitworth University as an aspiring nursing student, trying my best to understand the path and patterns of science and the way diseases affect the body. I was struggling as a student, primarily because my passion for caring for the sick was unmatched by my inability to walk into a ...

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For Love of People

Inciting Incidents, a book I have had the pleasure of curating and editing for Moody will be released September 1st. The book’s title is inspired by the film world, in which “inciting incidents” are events (good or bad) that push the story forward. Jeff Goins, David Hickman, Blaine Hogan, Tracee Persiko, Stephanie Smith, Mandy Thompson and David Wenzel joined me in putting their own inciting incidents onto paper. There’s also ample wisdom and inspiration for making the most of your own inciting incidents. As you consider clicking over to Amazon or Barnes and Noble to show your love for the project, check out the media our team has created to help introduce you to the book’s content. It includes an NPR style radio series, a chapter excerpt, some freebies and a chance to share your own story all found at IncitingIncidents.org.

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