3 posts from day 19/04/2013

Attention to Detail: Ron Edmondson and Cathleen Falsani

A small table conversation with Ron Edmondson and Cathleen Falsani. Thank you both for taking the time to answer a few questions.

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You’ve Unfriended Someone, Haven’t You?

So you've done it, haven't you? You've unfriended someone on a social network, I mean. I'm not just talking about that annual culling of the herds. That broad-sweeping cut down to your real friends in an attempt to make Facebook or Twitter a more authentic or reasonable endeavor. I'm talking about that time someone made you livid and you could not bear to read their ridiculous status updates one more time. So you ex-ed 'em. Well, the good news is you're not alone. According to ...

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Where I’m Stuck: Walking Into a Room of People I Don’t Know (No. 2)

Shasta Nelson from GirlFriendCircles gives some simple advice for what to do when you walk into a party or room of people you don't know.

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