A Day In the Life of Humans

To celebrate 10.10.10, people living around the world chipped into do something remarkable.

Each participant, in his or her own region, grabbed a camera and filmed real life moments over the same 24 hour period. Then each person uploaded the vid clips and tagged them with categories.

The result? A collection of searchable videos that offers a world-wide look at the kind of things humans might do on any given day.

You’ll find weddings in Russia make you smile as much as weddings in Aruba.
That babies in the United States cry no louder than babies in Malaysia.
And that it doesn’t matter where you are–Uzbekistan, Guatemala, or Bosnia–there are always be places to shop.

To see for yourself, play the video trailer above or go to OneDayOneEarth’s searchable video database and search a term that has been relevant to your life lately.

You’ll likely find more than a few videos worth watching along with a subtle reminder that you’re not alone in this world.


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