• bus pictures, bus photos, bus bully, bullying on bus, bus behavior, what to do if child bullied,

Bus Bully Gets Bullied: Mom Slaps Boy Who Bullied Daughter on Bus

bus pictures, bus photos, bus bully, bullying on bus, bus behavior, what to do if child bullied,

Bus Bully Gets Bullied? Mom Boards Bus and Slaps Daughter’s Bully.

It sounds like the Sardoni family had a bad couple days last week.

First, the 9 year old daughter was repeatedly harassed by a boy on her school bus.

Then, allegedly, the 9 year old’s mom and grandma boarded the girl’s bus and slapped the bully, possibly even slamming the bully’s head into the bus window.

How’s that for an ironic response to bullying?

Mrs.Sardoni (who, by the way, denies slapping the children) reports she had already called the school and reported the bully who honed in on her daughter daily. [Read more here]

But, she claims, nothing was done about the bad bus behavior.

With heart-breaking recent headlines featuring cases like Amanda Todd, the teen who ended her life after years of bullying, we can all probably understand the mother’s frustration in feeling seemingly powerless while her child was picked on.

But clearly there’s a better, more mindful way of responding.

Tell me what to do if your child is being bullied.

As the mother of a three year old who has yet to become the target of mean-spirited peers and as someone who blogs about building better relationships in society, what alternative approaches have you seen help put a halt to bullying? Share your ideas, experiences or comments about the mom who slapped the bus bully here.

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    Annette October 22, 2012 (3:21 pm)

    I think kids today need a wake up call like this boy got. On one hand it is hard not to feel a little bit satisfied that he might think twice next time he wants to pick on some kid. But there has to be a better way that doesn’t require committing the same act.

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    mechelle October 22, 2012 (3:37 pm)

    Bullying.Its been around forever.My first tactic in the anti-bullying cause was to watch my kids and be aware of how they were playing with their friends & each other too.To step in when little fights start.As soon as they do.Kids need taught how to get along.The worst thing–to me–is to let them fight it out,figure it out– for themself.Because they have no idea how to do that.And bullies always win.And at first,those are the kids bigger than you.Then it becomes anybody later.But at least your kid hopefully knows what not to do by then.Then they go to school.Its a roller coaster as far as if it happens this year or that.One of your kids will have a worse time with it than others.I had one daughter who was bullied relentlessly in middle school.Her sister stood up for her on the bus,and also told me what was happening since they one being bullied didn’t.I called the school.They do nothing but call the accused into the office and ask if they did this.They say no.Your kid gets bullied more.But call them anyhow.The one girl in middle school that did it was bigger than me.I had to confront her at the bus stop and tell her to leave my kid alone.I said you don’t have to like her,just leave her alone.Then my son was bullied more by teachers more instead,also in middle school.Which was a real trick to stop.We had to call the school often to do that.I always say middle school is an awful place to send kids that age.All of my kids have been bullied to some extent.So were their parents.Nothing starts it past the fact that it bothers some of us.They can get a rise out of us.After years of being picked on myself,I finally asked one of them why.He said cause it bothers you.I was astounded really.I hadn’t thought of that at all then.My mother always told us they do it cause they’re jealous of you.But that didn’t really pan out at all for an explanation.I guess teach them to try to not let them see it bother you,to ignore what you can,and tell your mom ,dad and teacher when it happens.Of course the teacher may ignore him,cause that seems what some do.Just like some parents do too.So no offense meant.But paying attention,for real,is how you teach them not to be a bully,while at home.Before they go to school.Later,while at school,you have to find out its happening and back them up.I would go on the bus after awhile.I have in fact.To talk to the bus driver about it.Not to slap someone elses kid.Of course you want to.But its not up to you to do it.Hope that helps some. :)

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    Sarah October 22, 2012 (4:08 pm)

    Thanks for the detailed answer, Michelle. Yesterday, actually, was the first time my husband or I ever observed our son (3) be bullied even a litle bit. It’s hard to know where that line between over-reactive and reasoned is. :) But I know I don’t ever want my children to go to bed at night feeling unsafe and unprotected in this world.

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    Trae October 22, 2012 (4:17 pm)

    Great post. Made me feel good actually, but I was bullied and made fun of from pre-school through college. It jacks with your mind, your self-image and you end up believing all sorts of lies. I’m sorry but the go-along-to-get-along, find a peaceful solution approach schools take is a joke. If parents don’t step up and teach their kids to quit bullying and that it’s inexcusable, then I’m all for bullies getting a fist to the mouth.

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    Lucy Oliver November 8, 2013 (10:06 pm)

    Surely no child is going to learn not to bully this way. I know it shouldn’t but this made me feel violent towards her and that’s not right because I don’t believe in revenge.

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