Calling All Dreamers

dream year, dreamyear, dream year benarment, year of dreams, meanings of dreams

You know that book you always wanted to write?
That social issue you’re constantly championing?
The album people have been telling you to record for years?

Do yourself a favor.
Dig that dream up and head over to
And just take a look around.

Dream Year, if you didn’t catch my post a few months ago, is a unique animal–one I wish I’d found about ten years ago rather than recently.
This one sentence won’t do it justice, but here’s the general idea: it’s a coaching process that helps people get their dreams off the ground in just 12 months.

It’s that extra momentum a lot of us are looking for.
That gets us beyond just talking about our good ideas to actually implementing them.

(I also like to point out that the whole program costs less than two college classes because it makes me feel like I might save some poor sap the FOUR YEARS and 80+ grand so many of us drop on degrees that didn’t prep us for the launching our specific dreams.)

I’ve mentioned before that I know and believe in the coach behind Dream Year.
His projects have influenced my life.
So much so that I’m willing to risk making some bold statements,
Like if you push past your hesitations and do this,
you will thank yourself for years to come.

But WARNING: you gotta be bold enough to take the plunge quick because applications are only being accepted until this Friday, December 3rd.

(Last little thing: The BEST thing you can do for your dreams is pull out all the stops and do the full-blown 12 month version of Dream Year. But if you can’t swing that this year, but can spare a weekend, here’s a little secret for you: there’s a fast-track version of Dream Year presented in a conference-style event in Nashville, January 21-23. It’s not the whole sha-bang, but it’ll inject some serious life into your dreams as well.)


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