Fashion Trends I Boycotted…Perhaps to My Own Demise

skinny jeans1. Skinny jeans

I have yet to meet a person they look great on (Except for you who are reading this, of course. They look fabulous on you.).

My motto: When you are already skinny (just call me beanpole), all jeans are skinny jeans.

2. Snuggies

They remind me of the Thneeds in Dr.Seuss’ book and book-inspired cartoon, The Lorax.

“It’s a shirt. It’s a sock. It’s a glove, it’s a hat.
But it has other uses, yes, far beyond that!
You can use it for carpets, for pillows, for sheets!
For curtains, or covers for bicycle seats!”

The Lorax said, “Sir, you are crazy with greed.
There’s no one on Earth who would buy that fool thneed!”
But the very next minute I proved he was wrong.
For just at that minute a chap came along,
and he thought that the thneed I had knitted was great!
He happily bought it for three ninety-eight.”

Exception: If you are a Dr.Seuss character, I think owning a snuggie would make sense. I bet you’d fit right incrocs around Who-ville.

3. Crocs

If I wanted a container for my foot, I would write Rubbermaid.

4. Destroyed denim

There is no normal human activity that would wear holes in in the spots where the manufacturers purposefully rip them. Just sayin’.

livestrong bracelet5. Livestrong bracelets or their spinoffs

Some examples include “What Would Scooby Do?” and “Cuddliest.” Tip to the wise:When the bracelets become available to the masses, and thus bear any saying that any joker decides to slap on them, people stop reading them.

If everyone has a saying, no one does.

6. Shorts or sweats with words across the butt.

I assure you, your butt is not a princess. And neither is mine.

7. Visible thongs.

You realize this is like combining Victoria’s Secret with the plumber crack? Hmmmm. Attractive.

tanning bed8. Fake bakes.

I could just go the common sense route and point out that frying your skin isn’t fashion. (Unless your fashion icon is a slab of fried chicken.)

But there’s also something called health:

Several states are trying to pass bills to restrict use of beds to those 18 years old or older, maintaining that they present a hazard similar to smoking cigarettes. Enough said?

Just in case its not: A 2006 study by researchers at San Diego State University/University of California, San Diego linked a 70 percent increase in the risk of melanoma and squamous cell cancer to people who use indoor tanning equipment before age 35.

So, if you’re a chronic tanner, you may as well light up and take a few puffs while you’re in there. Oh wait. THAT’s not socially conscious.

9. Giant bug-eyed sunglasses.

I don’t care if Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears jump off a bridge. I’m staying on dry land.

10. Shawls.

I only wear giant pieces of fabric that swallow me whole if I’m playing a Bible character in the Easter Play. And that’s been 26 years now. So probably can afford to sit this one out.

Not to worry though…

My opinion is worth about negative three cents in the fashion market.

With no shame, I confess, I am no fahionista.

So if you happen to rock any of the items from this top ten list, please continue to do so with pride. My personal belief? You can wear anything as long as you apply my number one rule of fashion (there is no number two):

Put more effort on becoming a beautiful person on the inside than you do on the outside.

Then whatever you put on top won’t be so important. Its the ‘icing on the cake’ principle.

If you comment on this blog (click brown comment box under blog title) or RT/Post about this comment buttonblog on Facebook, you will automatically be entered to win today’s book giveaway: Found Art by Leeana Tankersley. Found Art is a collection of spiritually enriching, uplifting stories from the author’s life. These stories are insightfully woven around the seasons found in Ecclesiastes 3 and include birthing and dying, planting and harvesting, speaking and remaining silent, weeping and laughing, mourning and dancing, war and peace.

This is part of the 25 Days of Giveaway leading up to the Feb. 1st release of Sarah’s book, Picking Dandelions.



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    Keith Lee January 24, 2010 (10:25 am)

    First, can you believe it is only a little over a week away until the book releases?

    Second, I read somewhere that slap bracelets are about to make a comeback.

    Third, my mother-in-law wears skinny jeans. She isn’t skinny. My wife picks on her. In front of her. My father-in-law lovingly says “told you so!”

    And finally, the other fashion trend that should have gone out with ’09 is the one where the women wear their jeans inside their large boots.

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    Dawn Thomas January 24, 2010 (10:47 am)

    Ha ha, I totally agree about all of these. . .although I have been known to wear crocs because they are comfy and I even put those specialty “buttons” in them. . .can you say “DORK”? ROFL.

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    Jen January 24, 2010 (11:40 am)

    1) Skinny jeans are evil. Eeeeeevil. If nobody looks good in them, why are they everywhere?

    2) Snuggie = thneed. Awesome! My grandma gave me one for Christmas. It’s still in the box.

    3) I have a friend who SWEARS they’re the most comfortable shoes ever, but I just can’t do it.

    6) As Stuff Christians Like once said… “The butt is not a billboard.”

    So yeah, I pretty much agree on all these counts. I would like to add last year’s Florida winter trend: short shorts and furry boots. I thought it was a fluke when I saw one girl wearing it at the mall. Then I saw two more and thought the world was going mad. Don’t their legs get cold?

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    mechelle January 24, 2010 (12:07 pm)

    And you can’t leave out the STILL ever popular low riders where your underwear shows totally.
    And you have to adopt a new way to walk just to wear them.I can’t believe that hasn’t faded out yet!!!
    (or even the regular lower than low jeans that give everyone a muffin top.And make a waist look ever so longer than they ever did in past generations.)
    I have done none on your list –except 5 fake bakes–lifetime amount.But the disclaimer would have to be–I did do it after age 35,and I smoked for too long to care about it too.Though I did quit that too.
    Snuggies would give me even more hot flashes,I can’t even wear a sweater anymore.(but I LOVE the thneed reference too) And crocs,well those would make my feet break out.Though I love a comforatble shoes every bit as much as the next person.Just not those.

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    mechelle January 24, 2010 (12:08 pm)

    I always boycott most trends at first.
    Just because thats how I roll.

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    Taima Marie January 24, 2010 (2:47 pm)

    I have to defend the Snuggie. I bought a knock off (because we all know that off brand is JUST how I roll. Only second best for my family!) for eight dollars at Dollar General for sort of a joke.


    Why? Because I sleep/have my computer next to a broken window, and though we have stopped it up with stuffed animals, old clothes, and covered it in plastic, some drafts still do get through. Also, we only keep out house at sixty eight.

    So now I can TYPE while having my arms and chest warm! I don’t like robes because they kept my back warm enough, but my back was already warm against the back of my chair! So I love my Cuddlee…

    Also, the justification I have heard for Crocs is that some professions might need to clean them and they can be put in an autoclave? I don’t know about that, though.

    Totally with you on the bug eyed glasses. Ugh.

  • uberVU - social comments January 24, 2010 (5:27 pm)

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by sarahcunning: Your butt is not a princess and neither is mine.

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    Mela Kamin January 24, 2010 (5:53 pm)

    Ha! Reading this with not one, but 2 of those bracelets on – while wrapped up in my bright turquoise slanket (yes, version of a snuggie) – I live in the Midwest – hey, I don’t have to justify why I like it ;) – and a pair of army green Mary Jane crocs are in my closet – great for boating, trips to the pool with the kids (can be hosed right off) … most others, though I agree – esp. skinny jeans – when they start marketing stocky jeans, I’ll be in fashion – have a drawer full of those. Very funny list – thanks for the laughs.

  • Fashion Trends I Boycotted…Perhaps to My Own Demise « Sarah Cunningham | Trendsfire - todays hot trends January 24, 2010 (7:18 pm)

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    Sarah Cunningham January 25, 2010 (12:05 am)

    Congrats to Dawn Thomas, today’s random winner.

    Please keep playing as regular participants will be eligible for bonus prizes at the end!

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    suzi January 25, 2010 (8:44 am)

    i have to say that i am with you with one small exception… the big sunglasses. when you have a big head, small sunglasses just won’t do!

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    sofi February 13, 2013 (2:30 am)

    I read this,just out of curiosity… Are you old? Mostly old people don’t like skinny jeans, they do provide an elegant line with flowy shirts and make it possible for any boot style to go right over your jeans. I have to admit I own the sweats and shorts with the words on the butt..but yeah, I guess it is stupid when you think about it, the brand logo should go like on the leg in a flattering design. Funny to read. But could not have had a better ending point. A individual ‘s focus should be put on the development of inner beuty. The most important kind of attractiveness,of all. So that even these fashion ‘oddities’, can be forgiven in people we truly like.

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