How Can I Be A Better Friend?

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What’s keeping you from being a better friend?

Time? Maybe you used to hit busy stages, but somehow this last time round, the “stage” never ended. Now, life feels like a mach-speed merry go ’round where you wave at your friends’ blurry faces as you whiz by.

Energy? Maybe the gym-membership has gotten a *little* dusty. The internet screams your name ’til two in the morning. That last-minute fast-food anchors you to the couch.

Maybe you’d be a *tiny bit* embarrassed if people knew how much TV you really watched?

Worry? Maybe paranoia has taken over your inner microphone. What if you host a party and no one comes? What if you’ve lived in your current place so long, it’d be weird to go over to “meet” the neighbors? What if it’s awkward to *finally* call that life-long friend after being MIA this long?

But is it really those things that keep us from being a better friend? Is it really as simple as time or energy or worry? Or are those just the go-to answers we rush to because what we really want is to write ourselves an excuse for being absent?

For me, it’s unfortunately almost always the latter.

When we really want something, we make time. We scrape up the energy. We get over our worry.

What stands in the way of better friendships isn’t time or energy or worry then. It’s INTENTION.

It all comes down to what you really want, what you’re willing to do to get it and whether you actually man (or woman) up and follow through.

Reaching out to people is easier and faster than ever before. If you’re not doing that, the only person that can help you with that is that good-looking chap in your mirror.

Is there a friendship you’re letting slip away? Leave a comment if you can relate.



  • comment-avatar
    Nick Cerda October 8, 2012 (8:48 am)

    Great truth. Thank you.

  • comment-avatar
    Sarah October 8, 2012 (10:06 am)

    Thanks @Nick. :)