How To Get To Know People No. 4

How To Get To Know People, meeting new people, getting to know new people, how to meet new friends, how to make new friends

This blog is about bringing people together around good things. In your life, in my life, and in the world we share. But people won’t come together around good things unless they first find a reason to meet each other. Along these lines, this weekly post provides one fun, simple idea for meeting and getting to know the people around you.

No. 4 Use Your Online Profile to Invite Interaction

Not long ago, I stopped in to check out one user’s twitter profile. In his two line description, he included the sentence “think of a # between 1-25. and txt me randomly with your number :)”.

A little…different, right?

But sure enough, when I scrolled down through his @mentions, a few people had obliged, tweeting him an occasional “7” or “3” along the way.

How simple, I thought. Give people something specific to share with you and it takes the guesswork and intimidation out of striking up a new conversation.

I immediately changed mine to:

Author, Idea Junkie & People Lover. Friend of STORY, POTSC & Wild Goose. Chief Servant to the Emperor. Please tweet me random links to your writing.

And guess what? People have been sending me random links to their writing.

If you’re not a writer, you could ask for any info. Tweet me your favorite grilling recipe, tweet me the best lesson you’ve learned as a parent, tweet me your favorite book or movie or Starbucks order.

Suddenly, the ice is broken without anyone having to do much work.


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