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One Day At a Time, Sweet Jesus

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Every single day holds opportunity.

That’s 365 opportunities a year.

If you commit to doing even one thing each day to invest in people, you’ll have built a small community around yourself by the end of the year.

Here’s something small you could start with today:

Send an email to check on that co-worker who has been absent.
Take a meal, or order takeout, for someone who is recovering from sickness, surgery or loss.
Offer to babysit someone’s kids free of charge to give them an inexpensive night out or a free day to run backed up errands.
Write a hand-written thank you note and put a good old-fashioned stamp on it.

Ask about how someone’s weekend went…and really listen.
Take the time to learn the names of your peers’ children.
Pick up the phone just to say hi. Touch base for no reason.
Extend an invite to lunch or coffee.
Keep someone company at a little league, flag football or soccer game that must be attended.

Christmas shop with friends.

Is it silly to “plan” for friendship? Shouldn’t that come naturally?

Probably. But is it happening on it’s own?

If not, there’s nothing wrong with being intentional. With taking out that marker and checking off a day of doing something, purposefully, to invest in others.

Practice eventually become habit. And habits give way to whole new ways of living.

Sometimes it’s one day at a time, sweet Jesus.

And before you know it, those days will add up into weeks and years of friendship. Even the pyramids were built one block at a time.




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