7 posts tagged quirky

Find Me on the Hill

I'm not going to lie. I'm a slow and scattered poster every holiday season. There are too many meals to gather around. Too many kids to snuggle with. Too many fireplace blazes to behold. Too many snowpiles to sled. In February and March, I'll be wrapping up two writing projects to be released in 2013, along with some new blog series to share them with you. Through the holiday season though? You can find me on the hill.

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A Christmas Invitation

Peaceful winter mornings, come. With your crisp leaves and cool breeze. And colored lights dancing on the ceiling. Invite us into family. Into the warmth of broken bread and full cups. Into shared laughter, sparkling eyes and waking under the same roof once again. Welcome us to the eternal manger where Christ is reborn in us.

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Where I Come From and Where I’m Going

(Apologies ahead of time for neglecting my The Good Kind of Quirky section lately. I receive your rebukes and kind of like that some of you are friend-stalking me through this category.) The two guys pictured above are my brothers, David and John. Our sibling group spans eight years from oldest to youngest, which should of course lead you to conclude that I'm by farrrrr the baby of the family (unless saying that gives me away). They're the reason I still to this day happily scoop ...

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It’s A Beautiful Day

It's a crunch through the leaves day. A football throwing, wiffle-ball hitting, hide-and-go-seek day. A cocoa and hot apple cider day.

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fall wallpaper, autumn wallpaper, michigan pictures, michigan photos, michigan images, michigan pics

When the Best Place to Be Is Right Where You Are

Sometimes, I find, the best route to gratitude is your own backyard. Standing on the patch of grass you live on. Surrounded by the people who share your bit of geography.

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