The First Follower

I have my hands in a lot of projects.
Some of them (like my books) are mine.
But some of them (like STORY or POTSC) are other people’s gigs.

This sometimes perplexes people.
At lunch today, for example, someone asked me:
“Do you find you can do yourself justice while putting so much time into other people’s stuff?”

And the answer is I do.
I do think I can do myself justice.
Because what I want most is to be a part of helping good ideas make it in this world.

Sure, I hope some of those ideas are my ideas.
But it would be pretty arrogant to think the only ideas worth investing in are ones I come up with myself.

In my humble opinion, it makes perfect sense to sink some of your life into other people’s visions.
Because when people with good ideas win, we all win.

This is why I’ve always liked the video below. It takes a stab at just how important it to be able to recognize and follow a good idea, rather than always trying to be the one who leads it.



  • comment-avatar
    Randy December 2, 2010 (8:53 am)

    That was one funny, informative video.

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    Kelly February 24, 2015 (2:53 pm)

    Here because of conXion magazine :-) – Thanks Sarah!