The Holy Spirit is NOT Your Butler

Some people talk about the Holy Spirit like he chooses their breakfast cereal butlerfor them each morning.
Or like he finds them parking spots.
Or like he makes their red lights green on command.

As if he’s the butler of the trinity.

The spirit hasn’t ever worked that way for me.

But there have been times when an idea, a suggestion to act in some way or pursue some project, came to me seemingly out of nowhere.
When I’ve had no reference point for where it came from.
No idea what inspired it.
No prior knowledge.

I’ve felt compelled to do something about it.
And the compulsion just stuck.
And it grew in my spirit.
Until it felt like a mandate, rather than just an idea.

I basically HAD to act on it.

I tend to think this might be God.

Sometimes when I write, I suddenly start to connect thoughts that I’ve never thought before. There seems to be a flow to it. Its coming easy, even though I’ve never spent time reflecting on the topic.

(Just sometimes. Most of the time I’m just writing down my own pre-planned, not-unusual reflections.)

I wonder if this could be God, prompting my mind and my writing ability a certain direction.

Sometimes when I’m around someone, and they are telling me something about their life…something bad that happened to them or something good they are attempting to do, I feel some sort of internal warmth for them.

I want them to know that God didn’t want anyone to harm them; that’s not what he intended.
I want them to know that yes, God wants them to flourish, to do good.
I want them to know that they matter.
That they matter SO much to God.
That they are deeply LOVED.

And I want them to grasp these things in ways that seem bigger and deeper than just my own desires.

I think God’s spirit could work like that too.

I’m not especially quick to claim God told me things. I know that he speaks. And I believe he “speaks” (without words) in ways that move me sometimes. But I’m cautious to elevate my own inklings like they should be considered equal to the Bible. I guess I’ve been turned off that by people who act as if God is talking to them, specifically, verbally, via Blue Tooth all day long.

I mean, I have a little room for the possibility that he does show up in person and speak audible words to them…but for some reason cuts me out of the in-person stuff.

I mean, maybe.

But I tend to think God’s audible person-like voice is reserved for exceptional moments, just as it was in the Bible when he graced certain people and certain groups of people with a special showing. In ordinary moments, I feel like his spirit stirring things in me, combined with my understanding of God’s desires spelled out in the Scriptures, is more than enough…

if I make a point to follow it.

And when I have, I’ve been really glad I did.

So even though the Holy Spirit doesn’t double as my personal butler, I still think the phenomena–a spirit companion of sorts–is pretty cool to think about and try to understand.

What about you? How do you know when the Holy Spirit is moving you to do something?

Feel free to share a story for how that has worked in your life (yes, even if it included some sort of audible voice). And please check out the story I shared at Throw Mountains, which was sent to me by Cari Jenkins (its under this post, which is also up there). :)



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    Joanna May 27, 2010 (8:20 am)

    Once I felt inspired to send a friend a bible verse via text message and accidentally sent it to the wrong person (who wasn’t even listed near the intended person in my address book). Turns out the person who ended up getting the message was going through a tough situation that I didn’t know about and the verse was a perfect one for their situation. It seems the Holy Spirit can not only inspire people to send encouragement but use tricky ways of getting the encouragement to its intended situation.

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    Joan Ball May 27, 2010 (8:38 am)

    This is an interesting post. In particular I was drawn to this bit:

    “But I’m cautious to elevate my own inklings like they should be considered equal to the Bible. I guess I’ve been turned off that by people who act as if God is talking to them, specifically, verbally, via Blue Tooth all day long. I mean, I have a little room for the possibility that he does show up in person and speak audible words to them…but for some reason cuts me out of the in-person stuff.”

    Two things struck me…

    First, the Bible promises that the Spirit will be a comfort and a counselor – so for the Bible to be a cause of skepticism about the Spirit introduces a paradox worth examining.

    Second, as a lifelong atheist who came to faith as an adult, I found your line about being “turned off by people who act as if God is talking to them” to sound remarkably similar to the thoughts I had when I was “turned off by people who act like their belief in God and the good they perceive themselves to do as a result is somehow more important than the good I do in the world.” I now believe that there were things there that I did not yet see. Now I see more – but fully recognize that my best understanding of my faith is a shadow of what is there for me if I continue to learn and endure.

    I came to faith abruptly and am one of those people who have done things like sell my house and leave my career in response to the still small voice of the Spirit. I take no credit for it. It’s just the way it’s been for me since my conversion in 2003. That said, I believe it is there for anyone who submits, surrenders and obeys. The Bible makes outrageous promises. Far be it for me to decide they cannot be granted.

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    T. R. Nicholson May 27, 2010 (2:09 pm)

    You are indeed in communion with the Holy Spirit.

    Anytime you mention or think about the Holy Spirit, such as you did here in your blog this day, it is always a direct communication with, and from, the Holy Spirit. There is no other origin of the Word of God, than from God Himself.

    Consider what Paul, the apostle, said concerning this:
    “I tell you that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, ‘Jesus be cursed,’ and no one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit,” (1 Corinthians 12:3).

    I wrote about it here in my column:

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    shellie (baylormum) May 27, 2010 (5:50 pm)

    “But I’m cautious to elevate my own inklings like they should be considered equal to the Bible.”

    I love this line! Being in recovery has brought the excitement of the Spirit back into my life! It has reawakened what I had silenced for far too long! Why I like this line is because early in my recovery I didn’t like to share because I felt I had nothing to offer. I didn’t “feel” spiritual or “equal to” other addicts who had lived on the streets. Or in their cars. They had lost their homes. Their children. Themselves. But, I was told early on that it isn’t about how low I fell versus how low another fell. Recovery is not about comparing my story to another, seemingly worse story. It is about the journey we are on now. It is about being the same as the guy sitting next to me. It is about a community helping one another, without expecting anything in return. Sound familiar?

    There are days when I can hardly stand still. I want to help the newcomer. I want to help the old-timer (lots of years clean, not an age). I want to help me by being open-minded. I want to help by not judging or comparing. Addicts or non-addicts. I want to be selfless. Without unrealistic expectations. With the Holy Spirit as my guide I can do anything! But, I must find those quiet times & listen, too. It’s a balancing act every minute of the day.

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    joesuzz May 28, 2010 (9:30 am)

    Very good blog.
    The Spirit is not a mere force that can be manipulated. He is a person like the Father and Jesus, and we should be careful to not fall prey to trying to use him for our own gain.That’s all i have to say about the matter.

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    Janet Oberholtzer May 28, 2010 (1:28 pm)

    Like this post. The balance you present is good. I like and agree with these thoughts … “I’m not especially quick to claim God told me things. I know that he speaks. And I believe he “speaks” (without words) in ways that move me sometimes.”

  • Frankie June 11, 2010 (1:44 pm)

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