The Tragic Death of Tony Scott: May The Bridges No Longer Be Attractive

To people like Tony’s wife, Donna Scott, Tony’s death is more than just a top headline or Google trend.

Yesterday, Top Gun director, Tony Scott, made the last headline of his life.

He jumped from Los Angeles’ Vincent Thomas bridge after writing a suicide note.

I’m two parts horrified when personal, intimate stories of tragedies like this are hungrily snatched up by entertainment media. To people like Tony’s wife, Donna Scott, Tony’s death is more than just a top headline or Google trend. At the same time, I’m one part grateful for any disruption that reminds me of the deep brokenness in our world and the sad reality that even brilliant men and women can be defeated in moments where they feel isolated and alone.

While every suicide is complex and could’ve been triggered by a variety of needs, each one reminds me in the monotony of daily life to never cast aside the opportunity to spread hope.

Suicides like this underline the premise of the Bridge, a both chilling and meaningful documentary about people trying to exit life in the most grandiose, romanticized way possible. It depicts suicide as a sad reflection of our desperate search for significance.

My hope for myself is that I’ll humanize headlines and actions like the ones about Tony Scott and others featured in this movie. That I won’t allow myself the luxury of shrugging off the death of another human being without letting it remind me that each of us can help affirm people’s inherent worth every day, so that maybe one day the bridges won’t be so attractive. :(

Find more about the movie The Bridge here.



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    idelette August 20, 2012 (12:56 pm)

    Sarah, thank you for writing a response and speaking into this. So true: “Tony’s death is more than just a top headline or Google trend.”

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    Sarah August 20, 2012 (1:30 pm)

    Thanks. It’s hard to even know how to treat sensitive stories like this, but ultimately I want to use each tragedy as an opportunity to stir good in our world that prevents future sadness.

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    Home Page October 13, 2012 (7:12 pm)

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