What Color Are Your Eyes?

Did you ever notice how it’s possible to go through an entire day surrounded by people …without being connected to people?

It’s that casual wave to the neighbor while backing out of the driveway.

That flippant nod to the guy in the elevator.

That hey-how-are-you when I pass your desk on the way to the copier.

The brief sideways-glance while standing in line at the cash register.

It’s that darn diva of a phone that needs so much attention.

People: Are they just part of my surroundings? Or could I tell you the color of their eyes?

What if today we made it a point to stop … just for a fleeting minute … and be human together … eye to eye.

I know I can’t see you, but I’d love to know what color your eyes are. Click here to tell me.



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    rebecca smith November 9, 2011 (11:01 am)

    love this…. HAZEL or deep green with gold freckles if I wear purple.

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    Ray Hollenbach November 9, 2011 (11:28 am)

    Blue–when they’re open.

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    Jana November 9, 2011 (12:04 pm)

    Green, but the DMV fools call it hazel ;-).

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    Amy November 9, 2011 (12:06 pm)

    So true. I have brown that sometimes look caramel in the right light.

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    Sarah November 9, 2011 (12:13 pm)

    @Rebecca Gold freckles… okay. You win. Mine are just Hershey’s syrup brown.

    @Ray Hmmm. Sleepy?

    @Jana Your DMV comment SOOO made me laugh.

    @caramel. I love how you and I both compare ours to desserty flavors. :)

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    Ryan November 9, 2011 (12:52 pm)


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    Sarah November 9, 2011 (1:49 pm)

    @Ryan Haha. Did you see my tweet, Ryan? You’re the first to weigh in with just a straight up Crayola color. BLUE.

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    Tim Thurman November 9, 2011 (5:11 pm)

    I will throw you for a bit of a loop. My eye color does not stay the same! Depending what I am wearing or my mood, my eyes can be green to hazel to brown.
    I love looking at people’s eyes. Don’t tell anyone, but if a woman has beautiful eyes…

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    Shelly Miller November 9, 2011 (5:53 pm)

    Green or blue. They actually change with what I have on.

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    Joanna November 9, 2011 (6:44 pm)

    Mine are blue

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    tracee November 10, 2011 (7:34 pm)

    Blue eyed girl over here. i am also a Gemini and like long walks on the beach, haha! (both are true as well.shhh. ;)

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    Sarah November 10, 2011 (8:08 pm)

    @Tim @Shelly Your eyes are like accessories to match your clothes. =) Jealous.

    @Joanna and @Tracee Blue eyed beauties. I’ll spread the word on your beach-walking obsession. :)