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Why Billy Graham Took Out a Full-Page Ad In The Wall Street Journal Yesterday and How a Nation Responded

billy graham, who is billy graham, about billy graham, billy graham wall street journal, billy graham wallstreet journal, billy graham wsj

Who Is Billy Graham plus His Wall Street Journal Ad

Evangelical powerhouse Billy Graham took a full page ad out in the Wall Street Journal yesterday.

The ad, seen below, contained the following text:

The legacy we leave behind for our children, grandchildren, and this great nation is crucial. As I approach my 94th birthday, I realize this election could be my last. I believe it is vitally important that we cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles and support the nation of Israel. I urge you to vote for those who protect the biblical definition of marriage between a man and a woman. Vote for biblical values this November 6, and pray with me that America will remain one nation under God.

About Billy Graham: How Readers Responded

After reading about Billy Graham’s opinions, a firestorm of comments went up in news forums and article comments all over the internet.

There was of course, as expected, hot debate between the left and the right, with both political and religious extremists sounding off in response.

It was these remarks, many of which were left by people of faith, that struck me as the most disturbing commentary of all.

I’ll choose not to include any of them here (so get googling), but let’s just say there were a good number of self-professed believers who didn’t leave a vulgar word unturned and whose words, if taken literally, could inspire a front-page worthy hate crime.

As a follower of Jesus, that disappoints me.

I grew up in the conservative, more right-leaning arm of the church. And even today, I spend my available Sundays at a Wesleyan church plant.

But one thing that has always been disconcerting to me among some of my evangelical friends is the sometimes angry race to villify those who believe differently than them. This too often goes beyond just standing up for their faith or referencing Biblical passages (both of which are healthy and right), to acting as though everyone in the opposing camp has the IQ of a molding french fry.

Equally disconcerting, as I’ve grown up and made a fair number of friends in more progressive, left-leaning communities, is how despite claims to be the open-minded of the faith world, the same exact tendency is often alive and well. While there is passionate, vehement diatribe against oppressing any group and about protecting the rights of all human beings (which again is healthy and right), the tone sometimes suggests there is nothing valuable or redeemable about the evangelical right (or anyone in it).

Seriously? This cannot be the only way.

We don’t have to be blood-thirsty to stand up for what we believe. And when we are, it works against our intentions.

It makes it appear like both camps think, in their claim to rightness, that the one exception to loving their enemies as Jesus instructed, are other believers.

Somehow other followers of Jesus are the only allowed “other”.

This confuses me to no end.

Aren’t both parties publicly claiming to follow a God who 1. is not willing that any would perish, 2. who packed His Bible full of parables about how much He cared about the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son, and 3. who said Love Your Enemies?

How can we then turnaround and use that same God as an excuse to go for blood?

“If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?  And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?” -Jesus

billy graham, who is billy graham, about billy graham, billy graham wall street journal, billy graham wallstreet journal, billy graham wsj

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    Rick October 19, 2012 (3:13 pm)

    Well said Sarah. I just read a book that (gasp) would have disagreed with much of what Graham just put in that ad. Now, I don’t agree with much that is in the book, but it sure was good to chew on the thoughts of someone’s differing opinions.

    Perhaps if we all did more ‘chewing’ and less ‘spitting’, we would get along better.

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    Sarah October 19, 2012 (3:34 pm)

    More chewing, less spitting. Agreed.

    And congrats on reading material, even if it doesn’t naturally align with everything you think.

    Sounds like a surefire way to learn something in this world. ;)

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    Ella October 27, 2012 (12:27 pm)

    I like your words: “We don’t have to be blood-thirsty to stand up for what we believe. And when we are, it works against our intentions.”

    I would only add that it works against God’s intentions and nature, as well. After all, if anyone is justified to be blood-thirsty, wouldn’t it have been our God for the blood-thirsty victimization of Christ? And yet, in His infinite mercy he had and continues to have Grace… (thankfully for us all, regardless of political or religious leanings)

    Thank you for the thought provoking post!

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      Sarah October 27, 2012 (1:25 pm)

      Very true, Ella. God makes space for grace for us. The best reason to follow suit perhaps.

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