2 posts from day 04/04/2011

How To Eat Corn on the Cob

Step 1: Begin in the center. Step 2: Rotate counter-clockwise while chewing continuously. Step 3: Raise pinky finger for extra flavor. Step 4: Scoop up stray pieces with free hand.   For other lessons, such as How To Eat an Enchilada Emperor-Style, check out the emperor category.

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The Increasingly Brilliant Emperor

A couple updates from the emperor: By wielding his charm at Chuck E. Cheese and his grandparents' house, the emperor acquired the new subjects below. (FYI, if you're secretly thinking that it is ridiculous for a child to own a toy in three sizes, it's okay. We--the chief servants--think so too.) The emperor's new favorite past time is trying the largest Woody character's hat on the smaller Woody characters. There is nothing funnier than a tiny character wearing an over-sized ...

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