Aspiring Mid-Michigan Writers

I’m participating in a 100-item auction to benefit friends, Evan and Koren Farmer (who are also the good people behind Jackson’s locally-owned coffee house, Cuppa). The farmers just celebrated the birth of another little boy, who joins existing twin brothers. The proceeds of the auction go toward unexpected medical costs associated with this most recent delivery.

Come Write With Me

Writing for Publication – 1 Coaching Session (at Cuppa -OR- on Skype)

* Plan next steps to break into publishing your work in articles, magazines or books.
* Review a sold book proposal to learn technique (if relevant to your aspirations).
* Talk through an existing proposal you’re working on –OR– get advice on how to create your first one. Including help weighing the cost/benefit of self-publishing options.
* Think through platform–marketing, social media etc.
* Any experience-level welcome, including beginners.

-If you live out of the area and would like to meet by Skype, you may still bid to benefit the Farmers.-

Bid here on the Auction’s Facebook page by commenting under my item.


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