The Good Kind of Quirky

This first post in this category introduces the posts that follow. If you’ve already read this introduction, please scroll to the newest post below.

The posts in this category are inspired by my personal world.

Away from the Internet, I’m the Coach’s wife and loyal servant to the Emperor (and his newly appointed Chief of Staff).

When not tending to the Royals, I spend my time hunkered in rooms, speed-typing behind locked doors, hoping someone will slip enough cookies under the door to tide me over to my next book deadline.

You may also find me cavorting about Prison City* or sipping Sweet Tea while floating down the lake on a 21 year old pontoon boat christened the Sweet Mahogany.

(It has burgundy pleather seats. You have permission to be jealous.)

Yes. Home is where the tacky boat is. =)

Being a mitten dweller is pretty snazzy. It’s pure magic here in the summer and spring and fall aren’t too shabby either.

It’s only on the eighth day in a row you’re scraping ice off your windshield in February,while you breathe frost into the air, that you repeatedly curse your misguided ancestors for turning down 49 other perfectly good states to settle here. But there are redemptive days even then when the ice lays just right on every tree branch in sight and your yard is transformed into an enchanted, crystal-chandeliered wonderland.

What can I say? Long live the mitten.

This is the setting, a couple parts mindful and always at least one part quirky, where I bob and weave through passion and ambition to stillness and peace. These blog posts in this section, then, are personal, but I’m hoping they’ll sometimes be personal in the way that is also universal.

That maybe sharing life here will help you get a couple inches closer to your deepest purpose and most cherished friends while I’m uncovering mine. (And if nothing else you can look at the pictures!)

I’ve started setting aside these more few and far between personal posts here. I hope you’ll check back often to follow along or you’ll sign up to get the posts in your email below.

*Jackson is the home of the largest state prison in the country. Please don’t everyone plan your vacations here all at once.


1 Comment

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    Judy Muir January 25, 2014 (2:01 pm)

    Ha! Ha! I guess we’re all kind of quirky. I personally enjoy that side of a person as it is the REAL them…..not the pretend them! Thanks for this post Sarah. God bless!