Join Picking Dandelions’ 1st Twitter-View


@Jen_Rose, who blogs over at the divinest blog spot eva (that’s really the name–sorta), is interviewing me all week…get this…via Twitter.

(Its not her fault. I’m a nerd in any universe, including Twitter-earth. Just keep in mind, nerds rule the world.)

Here’s the most innovative part – you can join the interview. (Picture you in the front row of the press conference screaming your question into the mic, shoving down the other reporters…)

Ask whatever question you want. Be curious. Be funny. We can go deep or we can create some sarcastic banter. Just be sure to use @sarahcunning and the twitter tag #pdti so we can keep track of what is being said. (Lest our twitter-view veer out of control.)

You can follow the twitter tag #pdti to read along all week and/or–if you are resisting Twitter–wait for the transcripts to go up on Jen’s divinest blog  in a few days. (The non-Twitterites can leave questions in Jen’s blog comments today and I’ll answer those there. Equality rules.)

Let the twitter-view mayhem begin!



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    Amelia March 17, 2010 (2:31 pm)

    oooh fun!! I’m kind of new to twitter tags, but I think I can figure it out!

  • uberVU - social comments March 17, 2010 (6:40 pm)

    Social comments and analytics for this post…

    This post was mentioned on Twitter by sarahcunning: @jen_rose is interviewing me via Twitter & invites u to join in press-conference style. Check it out:

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    Jen March 17, 2010 (8:58 pm)

    Hooray for Twitter!

    Amelia: Definitely jump in any time! It’s pretty simple…start your tweet with @sarahcunning and end it with #pdti (so I can find it) Hope to see you in the Twitter-view! It’s been fun so far. :)

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    Amelia March 19, 2010 (12:57 pm)

    I figured it out!! Totally love what you both are doing with this interview. Such a fun concept!

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