The Cunningham Rules of Christmas – Part 1

How Christmas works in our house:

  • We layer up and head to Granny D’s Christmas tree farm.
  • Even if it’s like 5 degrees with snow up to our ears.
  • We have no other option, as we are an anti-fake-tree family.
  • (The only thing worse than a fake tree is a fake tree that comes in a fake non-tree color like red or blue. If you have one of those, Chuck may cut you off for the month of December. Sorry.)
  • Granny D’s has hot chocolate (delivered by Santa no less) and they give you a hayride to and from your tree.
  • Some of you will drive 200 miles to Granny D’s next year now that you know how embarrassing your farm is.
  • They also have a cow, donkey and two goats for your nineteen month old to run laps around yelling “Dog! Dog!”.
  • Remind me to get this kid a farm book.
  • We almost always take friends or family. Because we don’t want to have to drag the giant prickly beasts back to the car by ourselves and/or because we value building memories with the people we love.
  • Our “window” for getting the tree begins December 1st. I’d be okay with snagging one the day after Thanksgiving, but Chuck thinks it’s a disrespectful bow to holiday commercialism to kick Thanksgiving out the door that fast.

What about you? What are your rules of Christmas?



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    Deetz Hanna December 14, 2010 (8:28 pm)

    *We will get together with my husband’s immediate family and watch “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation” while eating lots and lots of homemade appetizers and sweet treats. We will all recite the lines by heart and start laughing at the funny parts before they happen, in anticipation of them happening.
    *We will choose a giant Christmas tree that we will look at and say “it’s a little full, lots of sap” (see above for quote inspiration)
    *I will bake lots and lots of sweets to give away to teachers, friends, neighbors and family. My daughter has been helping since she was 2 1/2. I can still remember making cookies with my mom when I was her age.
    *The Saturday before Christmas we will go to my husband’s grandmother’s house to spend the day with family eating, laughing, and carrying on until the street lights come on (the signal that it is then okay to open Christmas presents)
    *We will get together with our friends and pile all of our children into one car (how many car seats can you fit into a tahoe? so far 1 car seat and 3 bosters + 4 adults) and go visit the James Island County Park Holiday lights, a local part that does a huge holiday light display.

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    Sarah Cunningham December 14, 2010 (9:05 pm)

    Haha. Deetz, it sounds like you’re running a great holiday scene over there. We’ll have to keep comparing notes thru the years. :)

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