3 posts from day 01/06/2011

Lost and Found

Lost and Found Car pools, conferences, microwave dinners. They blur one into the next. We lose ourselves in the fog of everyday life and drift away from what matters. But like a beacon in the night, it finds us. The light of more than 100 lighthouses, beckoning us back to what's real and true. This light shines for us all. This light is Pure Michigan. Pure Michigan began with a 2006 advertising campaign featuring the voice of comedian Tim Allen. The campaign was intended to promote ...

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Lindsey Nobles, Thomas Nelson

Lindsey Nobles Talks Women

Lindsey Nobles, Thomas Nelson, Women on Women, women women, Jenni Catron, Leeana Tankersley, Ann Voskamp, Jena Nardella, Heather Whittaker

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Memorial Day Brain Dump

This past weekend, we shot a short film for the STORY opener in Charlotte. Well...not we. Jared Hogan and crew were the ones large and in charge behind  the cameras. Brewster, Ben and I  just drooled a lot over the stunning camera shots. Ben and I both had our families in for the weekend. For the record, there is not an Arment out there who isn't beautiful inside and out. My birthday is on Memorial Day. When I was little, I used to think the parades were for me. This year, it was ...

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